NPC`s head

These are some of the npc`s heads I made. All of them but one (the second image) were started from scans, mostly from people who work on the studio. In the second image, I used a color texture previously made by Anar Ismayilov. Hair from the black old lady was done by Jaehoon Kim. Thanks to leads (Frank and Soa) for the feedback in each one of these. Thanks shading Artists ( Lauren and Waylon) for all the support. thanks Outsource studios for the huge help.

Jackson npc 1

Jackson npc 1

NPC. head texture/outfit previously done by Anar Ismayilov. No scan involved on the head

NPC. head texture/outfit previously done by Anar Ismayilov. No scan involved on the head

Scar npc 1

Scar npc 1

Scar npc 2

Scar npc 2

Jackson npc 2. Hair done by Jaehoon Kim

Jackson npc 2. Hair done by Jaehoon Kim

Scar npc 3

Scar npc 3